Wednesday 15 April 2020

Most notably weight loss .. 10 benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach

Most notably weight loss .. 10 benefits of drinking lemon water on an empty stomach

It is known that drinking water and lemon on an empty stomach in the morning can get rid of extra pounds, but does this drink have other health benefits other than slimming?

In the next report, "Consulto" reviews the benefits of drinking water and lemon on an empty stomach, according to "Medical news today."

1- Prevention of cancer
Lemon water drink is distinguished by its contain of antioxidant plant compounds called flavonoids, as it is characterized by its ability to combat free radicals in the human body, which reduces the risk of developing tumors.

2- Dissection of kidney stones
Water with lemon, one of the drinks that doctors usually prescribe for patients with kidneys, because it contains a substance jackets, which have been proven effective in breaking up kidney stones, and washed them into the urinary channels, and get rid of them through urine.

The benefits of the jacket material are not limited to this extent, but rather reduce the chances of accumulating calcium oxalate on the kidneys, in case of excessive intake of dairy products of all kinds.

3- It is useful for pressure patients
The potassium with lemon helps stimulate blood circulation, so its juice is a drink that is beneficial to the health of pressure patients, as it improves the process of blood flow carrying oxygen to all parts of the body, which reduces the risk of glaucoma and strokes.

4- Strengthening immunity
Lemon contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system in the body, which makes its juice from drinks that reduce the risk of disease, and alleviate the symptoms associated with colds, such as sneezing, cold, congestion, and cough.

5- Losing weight
A glass of water drink with lemon would help to lose excess weight, because it contains antioxidants, which boost the metabolism, which contributes to burning the accumulated fat in the body, but care must be taken not to sweeten it with sugar, so that it does not have adverse effects on health.

6- Control blood sugar
The lemon water drink works to control blood sugar, by regulating the work of insulin in the body, so doctors advise diabetics to consume it, especially since they are from the groups that suffer from weak immune system.

7- Delaying signs of aging
Lemon juice is characterized by its high content of vitamin C, which stimulates the skin to produce collagen necessary for its freshness, and that helps to tighten the skin, delaying the appearance of signs of aging in old age, such as facial wrinkles.

8- Reducing anemia
Lemon water drink helps prevent anemia, as it contains vitamin C, which stimulates the body to absorb the available iron in foods to the fullest, so it is a drink beneficial to children's health.

9- Natural mouth disinfectant
Doctors recommend drinking a water drink with lemon when waking up from sleep, as it serves as an oral antiseptic that reduces the effectiveness of oral bacteria, and contributes to getting rid of bad breath, and can be relied upon to control gum bleeding.

But you should rinse your mouth with water thoroughly and brush your toothpaste and toothpaste after this drink, as it can sometimes damage the tooth enamel, which increases the risk of caries.

10 facilitate the digestion
Lemon water drink is of great importance to the health of the digestive system, because it balances the acidity of the stomach, which improves bowel movement, and thus reduces the chances of constipation and indigestion.

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